Commemorative coins continued to be issued within the United States with each program authorized under an Act of Congress. The coins were generally intended to commemorative important people, places, events, or anniversaries, however anniversaries particularly for states became the focus of many issues.
During the period from 1918 to 1925, the pace of issuance increased with thirteen different coins produced. As opposed to the earlier years, the silver half dollar dominated with just a single gold dollar produced and no other denominations utilized.
Highlights from this era include the Illinois Centennial Half Dollar which featured a portrait of Abraham Lincoln on the obverse due his connections with the state. The Grant Memorial Half Dollar and Gold Dollar shared the same design, a situation unique during this era. The half dollar issued for California’s Diamond Jubilee has become very popular with present day collectors for its design which harkens back to the gold rush days. Finally, the Lexington and Concord Half Dollar marked the 150th anniversary of the first battle of the American Revolutionary War.
Detailed Information on 1918-1925 Commemorative Coins
- 1918 Illinois Centennial Lincoln Half Dollar
- 1920 Maine Centennial Half Dollar
- 1920-1921 Pilgrim Tercentenary Half Dollar
- 1921 Missouri Centennial Half Dollar
- 1921 Alabama Centennial Half Dollar
- 1922 Grant Memorial Gold Dollar
- 1922 Grant Memorial Half Dollar
- 1923 Monroe Doctrine Centennial Half Dollar
- 1924 Huguenot Walloon Tercentenary Half Dollar
- 1925 California Diamond Jubilee Half Dollar
- 1925 Fort Vancouver Half Dollar
- 1925 Lexington Concord Sesquicentennial Half Dollar
- 1925 Stone Mountain Memorial Half Dollar